Digital microbusinesses enable simple folks like you and I to live a slower, easier and more freedom-oriented lifestyle where work-life balance finally becomes a reality. And even if you don't plan to leave a traditional 9-5 job, having this type of asset really does give you options and flexibility that has a palpable effect in your life.

(a real human)

Hi, I’m Alex (a real human)

I am the author of a little-known website,

This course is another project of mine, that exists to help other people like me, who are looking for an alternative approach to work and life.

I started my digital microbusiness back in 2016. I had 0 followers, and $0 in revenue.

After three years of blogging, I realized that I could probably quit my full-time job as an IT Engineer.

Then the pandemic hit in 2020. I left my job and replaced my traditional paycheck within 1 month using multiple income streams, including digital products, consulting services, and a membership.

Today, I've been running my digital microbusiness for the better part of a decade, and I have more freedom and flexibility than I ever dreamed possible.

Now, I teach others not only how to build successful digital microbusinesses, but ones that allow for the ultimate level of independence and autonomy.


Please note: Some of my early reviewers have left me comments about the content of this course lacking detail, and being "barebones". This is intentional, and by design (see Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less).

Let me be clear: if you're after something more detailed and complex, do not buy this course. You'll be disappointed.


Independently Operated

I am an independent business. Although I have been awarded Microsoft's Most Valuable Professional (MVP), the views expressed on this site do not reflect that of Microsoft. The views and opinions expressed are my own.